Summer Weather House Painting Tips for Austin TX

Posted on June 7, 2019

Hot and humid summer days are here. Less precipitation can make summer the right time to paint. The heat and humidity can hinder those plans. Here are summer weather house painting tips from our pros.

Paint manufacturers recommend painting when it’s about 70 degrees Fahrenheit and less than 50% humidity. Most of the summer, most of the country is outside of the prescribed conditions. Still, there are paints made specifically for excessive weather and options to get the job done, regardless of heat. In Austin, temperature highs average 87-97 between May and September, morning and evening may be good times to focus on getting portions of your project done, however this does not rule out painting in peak temperatures.


Temperatures can soar during the middle of the day. By working during the early or late day hours, when the sun isn’t shining as harshly, you can still get quite a bit of work done. If your job takes you onto the roof, make sure you do it first thing in the morning.

Average Temperatures in Austin, TX

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Don’t paint in direct sunlight. Work around your home in the shadows cast by trees and other buildings. This will save you from the beating rays. The surfaces you paint in direct sunlight can be as much as 15 degrees hotter than the air temperature.

If possible, schedule your painting outside of the hottest months. The heat can have a negative effect on the dry time and cause imperfections like bubbles and pockets.


Mother Nature can be a finicky mistress. Try to work your job around the weather predictions for your area. Windy weather can cause debris to fly up and stick to wet paint, saving that left or twig in your paint for years.

Rain can help soothe hot temperatures. It also will add dampness to surfaces you want to paint. By painting a wet wall, you can ruin the finish on the job, or trap damaging water within the walls.

Overcast days are good for getting more work done. With the sun hidden behind clouds, you can work more without rays beating down on you.

Areas with high humidity can extend your dry time by almost double in between every coat. The first coat usually has the hardest time to dry, but waiting ample time between will be crucial. Not waiting long enough will peel up the previous finish and make a sticky mess.


Remember, the painting can wait if it costs you your health. Even people from hot areas, used to working in direct sun for the hottest parts of the day need to be wary. Stay cognizant of how you feel and make sure electrolyte drinks and cold water are nearby. Take a lot of sun breaks. Wear protective sleeves, hats and sun blocking clothing.